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What are you Doing for Your Daily Detox?

Self-paced program

Updated: Nov 18, 2022

We take in toxins everyday. They come from our environment, the air we breathe, our food, water, and even what we put on our skin. Think about it...A plane flies in the sky and lets out major exhaust. That exhaust gets absorbed in the soil and then sucked up into the plants. We eat the plants and take in those heavy metals and toxins. It sounds bad, and it is. However, our bodies our made to detoxify these things [think Phase 1 & 2 Liver detoxification].

That being said, it's not uncommon for our detox pathways to become overwhelmed and overburdened. When this happens we end up with a toxic backlog. Toxins can get stored in fat if not properly excreted. Therefore, we should try to reduce our exposure to toxins as much as possible including those in our food.

Too many toxins, heavy metals or pesticides damage and stress the liver. You can avoid some pesticides by buying organic. Also, as a great reference, look up to see the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen.

Glyphosate is the main pesticide in the weed killer Roundup and the most used herbicide in the world. It is known to cause major health problems throughout our bodies. And, guess what? It can’t be washed off from food. Ick!

We probably cannot remove all the pesticides off our fruits and vegetables but we can try. There are lots of ways to do this. Below is an easy home-made formula I use and want to share with you.

Mix 1 cup water

1 cup white vinegar,

1 tablespoon of baking soda

½ organic lemon juice in a spray bottle.

Spray produce and let it sit for 5 minutes before rinsing thoroughly.

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