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What's the Deal with Carbonated Water?

Self-paced program

Updated: Nov 18, 2022

Drinking soda can be linked with low bone density, but it's not the same with carbonated water. This is because phosphorus from phosphoric acid (found in colas), is thought to lessen your body's ability to absorb calcium in your body.

Carbonated waters are phosphorus free and don't cause the same issues as sodas do.

There is a difference, however, between carbonated waters. So, the difference between seltzer and sparkling water is where the carbonation comes from. If the carbonation is artificial, it's probably seltzer or club soda and regulated like a soda. If the bubbles are naturally occurring, "straight from the source", it's sparkling water.

"Straight from the source" means an underground mineral spring. When springs are deep enough, carbonic acid permeates the water and creates natural carbonation. That natural carbonation can be captured and preserved when there's enough carbon dioxide to make it fizz.

The best scenario is to drink plain sparkling water with no added sugar or caffeine. Also, if sensitive, drinking carbonated water can cause bloating and gas. If that's the case, it's best to eliminate them completely until further healing has been reached.

If you're looking to improve your digestion please reach out to schedule a complimentary 20 minute consultation and see if we are a good fit.

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